Monday, February 04, 2008

"new math"

"the green mustache" + wheezy cough + baby = amoxicillin and albuterol

amoxicillin + rash = ER trip (sorry to repeat myself, but I'm saving you time) - amoxicillin + benadryl + prednisone = experiment in modern pediatric medicine ==> terribly irritable, excitable, unconsolable, pitiful, fussy, restless, complaining, "please be still and quiet for just a few minutes!" baby

acid reflux + bedtime + mommy = insufficient sleep

insufficient sleep + terribly irritable, excitable, unconsolable, pitiful, fussy, restless, complaining, "please be still and quiet for just a few minutes!" baby = exasperate mommy wishing the daddy would "just hurry the crap home" and give me a break

So, do I go to the store and get the necessities we need to make it through the night? Or do I force some tears and call The Mighty Hunter and BEG him to stop for me.

I think I'll be eating some underbaked, gooey chocolate chip cookies tonight.

I'm just sayin'


Always Faith said...

oohhh...those equations strike fear in my heart....particularly since I've experienced all except the emergency room trip in the last two months. Yikes. HOpe it gets better soon! Go enjoy that dough!!! *GRIN*

For the Love... said...

Based on my experience with babies and albuteral...The Mighty Hunter might prefer to do all out-of-house chores. It used to make Magnuts insane...I feel for yah!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoy your gooey chocolate chips....

Anonymous said...

Hugs hun, hope baby is better and things are better today