Friday, June 09, 2006

And it came to pass...

That has been a phrase from the Bible that has come to mean a lot to me at different times in my life. It didn't mean a lot at all to me for many years. It meant "and one day this particular thing happened."

Inspired by a Southern Gospel song by a sibling trio from Arkansas (the Martins), I've taken one of their songs with this phrase as its meaning and made it into a catch-phrase for me during hard times. (yes, it's sad, but much of my life can be described by some kind of song. Thank goodness, only a few of them are country songs! ;-) )

The song in question makes the point that we are not our circumstances. We are simply in our circumstances. And, guess what, they came to pass. Circumstances don't last forever. Bad times - and Good times, too! - come and go.

What does this have to do with today's blog?




I'm thinking!!!!




Oh yea, I remember! I'm already tired of being pregnant. This week has been interminably long. I'm tired of the nausea and want to be able to eat a chocolate chip cookie and drink a glass of milk and NOT get belchy from it! Dog-gone-it! Is it too much to ask that this EMBRYO (not even a full-fledged baby yet) allow me the pleasure of warm, gooey, underbaked chocolate chip cookies and a tall, cold glass of milk?

No, it isn't. But Peanut still objects for some reason.

Meanwhile, I'm wishing I had the energy to get up off the couch and bathe and wash clothes - and EAT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!

I mean, really, the tiny amount of caffeine in the chocolate will not hurt Peanut. I don't drink coffee or tea or soft drinks. I pretty much restrict my fluid intake to orange juice, milk and water. (confession: I had a small sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A last night to make sure I could drive home from shopping. forgive my oversight.) I don't drink alcohol or smoke anything. I take very safe medications and only when necessary. I take my prenatal vitamins, plus folic acid and calcium. I'm TRYING to get enough sleep. I eat pretty healthy. I don't exercise enough.


Anyway, I am sooooo thankful that this phase of the pregnancy will "come to pass".

Lord, I need help with this. You know I'm not patient. I'm not asking for patience. I know better than that! I just want this to HURRY UP!!! Thank you and Amen.

Enough whining for today. I have to get a shower for DD's final t-ball game of the season.

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