Sunday, January 20, 2008


This is a letter to my daughter. You're welcome to read it and cry with me or roll your eyes. You're also welcome to jump down and look at the slide show. Whatever you choose, please leave a comment wishing her a happy birthday. You should know that if you do read it, you'll see that my vocabulary of superlatives is limited to "amazing" and "wonderful"

A year ago, I braced myself to help you become a big sister. I never doubted that you would be a good one. I am amazed at what a wonderful one you are. You have grown and matured in ways I never dreamed would happen over these few months.

You have transformed from a little girl, an only child, into a big kid with an even bigger heart and a bottomless supply of love for your family and friends and animals. You love your little brother, and he is convinced your the coolest, funniest, greatest thing ever. You have become very responsible and mature, allowing me to trust you to care for him more and more each day.

Your desire to care for animals and other children of all kinds motivated you to sell lemonade during our very hot summer. You gave all that money to the local animal shelter and the foster kids. Your generosity amazes, thrills and humbles me.

This summer, you did the most important thing you'll ever do. You gave your heart to Jesus and was baptized. This still brings me to tears. To listen to my little girl pray and ask for salvation is one of the sweetest, most precious memories I'll ever know. It is imprinted on my heart and in my mind.

You conquered your fears of swimming and the deep end of the pool. You no longer need floaties or a swim vest in the pool. You squealed with delight as your daddy jumped waves on the Sea-Doo. You found the prettiest sea shells. And you learned that jellyfish are not nice animals and can ruin a beautiful day at the beach. You realized that sometimes there is such a thing as too much sand, especially when it is in the seat of your swimsuit.

You showed me that an intense desire to do something can help you to do it in front of hundreds of strangers. Your beautiful voice sang out and excited me beyond belief.

You juggled teeball and voice lessons and recital practice and homework with finesse that I covet.

You expressed love for Beboo's mother, days before her death, that touched everyone's heart.

You proved your athletic ability by playing soccer and being one of the best on the team. Your coach was amazed that you had never played before.

Finishing kindergarten and starting first grade, you grew and learned more than I expected. Your reading abilities are exceptional. You memorized entire books. Over the Christmas break, you learned to add two columns of numbers and carrying digits in your head.

You can do anything. You can be anything. The world is yours. Go get it.

I can't wait to see what you do this year.

I love you - just a little bit.

Click to play Stinkerbell+6th+Year

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Love Bears All Things said...

I think that's beautiful. And so reassuring to know she is a princess in God's kingdom. No matter where life takes her, you have this assurance.
Mama bEar

Super B's Mom said...

Oh WOW. Pass the Kleenex please. Stinkerbell makes ME want to be a better person. I am so touched by her big heart and her desire to make the world a better place.

You are doing a fabulous job, Mommy.

Always Faith said...

Awww...sweet. Happy birthday to "stinkerbell"!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stinkerbell!!!

Great post Mom.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Stinkerbell! You sure a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Stinkerbell, she sounds like a wonderful child. LOVED the slideshow