Thursday, August 21, 2008

More apologies

Mr Nashville didn't make the deal.

We are officially and finally and for-good out of business.

The Mighty Hunter apologized to me again.

He is following up with his job search with the Major Insurance Company for which he used to work, hoping to get another, Different job with them. This is the job that will require him to travel and not work here and be away from us.

Yet, this job has Security and Benefits.

Our company had Security and Benefits too.

Now it has Unpaid Debts and Collectors and Chapter 7.

There will be brighter days. We will look back on these days and be amazed how God got us through.

But today, I'm mourning the loss of something that we spent 3 years building. 3 years of long days and short nights. 3 years of sacrificing time with our kids. 3 years of Responsibility. 3 years of hard work. 3 years of making friendships that will last forever. 3 years of accruing debt that will probably go unpaid. 3 years of building relationships that are now damaged and may never recover. 2 years of Success + 1 year of Economy-Induced Debt and Failure.

So, pray for us and the staff, that we will find work to pay our bills. I know that we are all in God's hands (and it still feels good here,) I just wish I could find work that would allow me to continue to spend time with Stinkerbell and Lucky like we have done. I just wish that The Mighty Hunter didn't have to leave us to find work. I just wish that everyone still worked where they were happy.

I just wish...

And for now, that wish will have to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Playing catch up on posts today)

I am so sorry this is happening to you guys. You are right, though. One day you'll look back on this and be amazed at how God brought you through it. But for now, it stinks. And I appreciate that you appreciate the stinkiness of it rather than being all unicorns and puppy dogs about it. I guess, 'cause that makes you like me. And I like to be validated. :-)

Obviously, I also like to take your problems and make them about me. :-) Sorry!